Expert Solutions for Sewage Treatment Plants

Eco-Friendly Solutions for Your Business

Transforming Waste into Resourceful Solutions

Welcome to Aide Consultants and Executors

At Aide Consultants and Executors, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and reliable consultancy and executor services to our valued clients. Headquartered in the scenic state of Kerala, our proprietorship firm operates with a commitment to excellence and integrity.
Established under the leadership of Sherin Jacob, our company has garnered a reputation for excellence in the realm of consultancy and executorship. With a keen focus on client satisfaction and adherence to the highest ethical standards, we have become a trusted name in the industry.

Why choose Aide Consultants?


Our team consists of experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of wastewater treatment technologies and regulatory requirements.

Custom Solutions

We understand that each client has unique requirements. Therefore, we offer customized solutions tailored to specific needs and site conditions.

Quality Assurance

At Aide Consultants, we prioritize quality and ensure that our solutions are reliable, durable, and compliant with industry standards.


We are committed to promoting sustainability through the implementation of eco-friendly practices and technologies in wastewater management.


Sewage Treatment Plants (STP)

For Hospital, Flats and Apartments, Malls, Hotels and Restaurants, Industries We offer comprehensive sewage treatment plant (STP) solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of hospitals, flats and

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)

For Catering units, Service centers, Bakeries and Restaurants, industries. Our Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) solutions are designed to cater to the unique wastewater treatment requirements of

Water Treatment Plant(WTP)

For domestic and residential purposes Ensuring clean and safe drinking water is essential for every household. Our Water Treatment Plant (WTP) solutions are tailored specifically for domestic and



Aide Consultants' solutions are designed to optimize resource utilization and minimize operational costs.

Regulatory Compliance

Our expertise in navigating regulatory frameworks helps our clients avoid fines, penalties, and legal complications.


Whether you're a small business or a large industrial complex, Aide Consultants' solutions are scalable to accommodate your current needs and future growth.

Risk Mitigation

Aide Consultants employs a proactive approach to risk management, identifying potential hazards and implementing measures to mitigate them before they escalate.

Environmental Stewardship

Beyond regulatory compliance, Aide Consultants is committed to promoting environmental stewardship and sustainability in all aspects of our operations.

Comprehensive Support

Aide Consultants offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the continued performance and reliability of your wastewater management systems.